Monday, April 4, 2016
Monday, February 29, 2016
Consumption & Saving
Disposable Income:
- propensity to save
- propensity to consume
Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC):
Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS):
MPC + MPS = 1
1 - MPC = MPS
1- MPS = MPC
Tax Multiplier:
- Income after taxes (net income)
- DI = gross income - taxes
- One can only spend or save DI
- Consume: spend on goods and services
- Save: not spend
- Household spending
- Ability to consume constrained by:
- propensity to save
- Do households consume if DI = 0? -Autonomous Consumption
- Household not spending
- Ability to save constrained by:
- propensity to consume
- Do they save if DI = 0? -No
- APC + APS = 1
- 1 - APC = APS
- 1- APS = APC
- APC < 1 = dissaving
- -APS = dissaving
Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC):
- fraction of any change in DI consumed
Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS):
- fraction of any change in DI saved
Spending Multiplier Effect:
- initial change in spending (C+Ig+G+Xn) causes larger change in AD (ag. spending)
Δ spending
Spending Multiplier = 1/MPS
- (+) when increase in spending
- (-) when decrease in spending
Tax Multiplier:
- when the government taxes, multiplier works in reverse because money leaves the circular flow chart
- Answer will always be negative (-)
- Unless it's a tax cut, then it will be (+) because there is more in the circular flow
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Investment Overview
Money spent or expenditures on:
- return > cost = invest
- return < cost = do not invest
Real (r%) v. Nominal (i%):
Investment Demand Curve (ID):
- new plants (factories)
- capital equipment (machinery)
- technology (hard & soft)
- new homes
- inventories (goods sold by producers)
- How does business make investment decisions?
- How does business determine benefits?
- How does business count the cost?
- How does business determine the amount of investment they undertake?
- return > cost = invest
- return < cost = do not invest
Real (r%) v. Nominal (i%):
nominal is observable rate if interest, real subtracts inflation (π%) and is known as ex post facto
- How do you compute the real interest rate?
- What determines the cost of investment?
Investment Demand Curve (ID):
- What is the shape?
- Why?
Aggregate Graphs
Full Employment:
Full employment equilibrium exists where AD intersects with SRAS and LRAS
Recessionary Gap:
exists when equilibrium occurs below full employment output
Inflationary Gap:
exists when equilibrium occurs beyond full employment output
Keynesian Model:

Keynesian (Recession):
- Prices; fixed
- Wages; fixed
- Employment; flexible
- Depends on changes in employment level
- Price; flexible
- Wages; flexible
- Employment; fixed
- Independent of changes in price level
- amount of money received by a worker per unit of time
- amount of goods and services that a worker can purchase with their nominal wages
- purchasing power of nominal wages
- nominal wage level set according to an initial price level that does not vary due to the labor contracts or other restrictions
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Classical vs. Keynesian
- Competition is good
- Self-regulating economy
- Long Run; economy balanced at full employment
- Supports trickle down effect; rich first
- Competition is flawed
- AD is key, not AS
- Leaks and savings cause recessions
- Ratchet effect and sticky wages blocks Say's Law
- Long Run; we are dead
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Aggregate Supply
-Level of Real GDP that firms will produce at each given Price Level (PL)
Long Run v. Short Run
Long Run:
- Period of time where input prices are flexible and adjust to changes in the price level
- Level of Real GDP supplied is independent of the price level
- Period of time where input prices are sticky and do not adjust to price level change
- Level of Real GDP is directly related to the price level
Long Run Aggregate Supply (LRAS)
- Marks level of full employment in economy (analogous to PPC)
- Because input prices are flexible, changes in price level do not change firms' real profits and therefore do not change a firms' level of output. LRAS is vertical at full employment
Changes in SRAS (Short Run)
- Increase is to the right; Decrease is to the left
total output
1.) Input Prices
-Domestic Resource Prices
- wages (75% of business costs)
- cost of capital
- raw materials (commodity prices)
-Foreign Resource Price
- Strong $ = lower foreign resource price
- Weak $ = higher foreign resource price
- Market power
- increases in resource prices = SRAS shift to the left
- decrease in resource prices = SRAS shift to the right
2.) Productivity
- More productivity = lower unit prod. cost: SRAS shifts right
2.) Productivity
total output
total input
- More productivity = lower unit prod. cost: SRAS shifts right
- Less productivity = higher unit prod. cost: SRAS shifts left
3.) Legal-Institutional Environment
- Taxes and Subsidies
- tax on business increase per unit prod. cost = SRAS shift left
- subsidies to business reduce per unit prod. cost = SRAS shift right
- Government Regulation
- gov't regulation creates cost of compliance = SRAS shift left
- deregulation reduces compliance cost = SRAS shift right
Aggregate Demand Curve
-Changes in the price level cause a move along the curve
Demand by consumers, businesses, government, and foreign countries.
AD Downward Sloping because-
Real Balance Effect:
- higher price levels reduce purchasing power
- this decreases the quantity of expenditures
- lower price levels increase purchasing power and increase expenditures
- when price level increases, lenders need to charge higher rates to get a REAL return on their loans
- higher interest rates discourage consumer spending and business investment
- when US price level rises, foreign buyers purchase fewer US goods and Americans buy more foreign goods
- exports fall and imports rise causing all real GDP demanded to fall
- 2 parts in a shift in AD
- A
multiplier effect that produces a greater change than the original in
the four components
- Increase = to the right
- Decrease = to the left
- Consumption
- consumer wealth
- more income = more spending; Ad shifts right
- less income = less spending; AD shifts to the left
- consumer expectations
- positive expectations = more spending; AD shifts right
- negative expectations = less spending; AD shifts to the left
- household indebtedness
- less debt = more spending; AD shifts right
- more debt = less spending; AD shifts to the left
- taxes
- less taxes = more spending; AD shifts right
- more taxes = less spending; AD shifts to the left
- Gross Private Domestic Investment
- Real Interest Rate
- lower rate = more investment; AD shifts right
- higher rate = less investment; AD shifts to the left
- Expected Returns
- higher returns = more investment; AD shifts right
- lower returns = less investment; AD shifts to the left
- Influenced by:
- future expectations of a profit
- technology
- degree of excess capacity
- business taxes
- Government Spending
- less spending = AD shifts to the left
- Net Exports
- stronger $ = more imports, less exports; AD shifts to the left
- weaker $ = less imports, more exports; AD shifts right
- Relative Income
- strong foreign economy = more exports; AD shifts right
- weak foreign economy = less exports; AD shifts to the left
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
Unemployment/Okun's Law/ Rule of 70
It is the failure to use available resources, particularly labor, to
produce desired goods & services
Working less than 12 hours
Working 12-15 hours
People in the Labor Force:
Above 16 years of age
Able & willing to work
Not Included in Labor Force:
v Military
v Students
v Retired
v Disabled
v Homemakers
v Mental Institutions
v Jail/Prison
v Those
Who Aren’t Looking for a Job
Unemployment Rate: 4 to 5%= Full Employment or Natural Rate
of Unemployment (NRU)
How to Calculate Unemployment Rate:
# of unemployed/(# of employed +
# of unemployed)×100
Types of Unemployment
-Those who are searching for a job
-Temporary unemployed or in between jobs
-Have transferable skills
- Ex. College//high school graduates, laid off from your job or you
leave or job
- Changes in the structure of
the labor force that make some skills obsolete
- DO NOT have transferable skills
- Has to learn new skills to get
a job
-Due to the time of year and nature of the job
- Ex. School bus drivers, lifeguards, Santa Claus/Easter Bunny
impersonators, construction workers
- As demand for goods and services falls, demand for labor falls &
workers are laid off
Frictional + Structural Unemployment= NRU
full Employment means there is NO cyclical
GDP Gap: The amount by which actual falls short of potential
Okun’s Law: For every 1% in which the actual unemployment
rate exceeds the NRU a GDP gap of about 2% occurs
Rule of 70: It is
used to determine how many years it takes for a value to double given a
particular annual growth rate.
70/interest rate= # of years
Friday, February 5, 2016
Firms: It is an organization that produces goods &
services for sale
Household: A person or group of people that share their
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): It is the market value of all
final goods & services produced within a nation in a given year
What isn't Included in GDP
- Intermediate Goods- something that needs further processing
- Used or Second-hand Goods- has been counted before
- Purely Financial Transactions- stocks, bonds, etc.
- Illegal Activities- drugs money, etc.
- Unreported Business Activity- tips
- Nonmarket Activities/Transactions- volunteering, babysitting
- Transfer Payments- scholarships, welfare payments, social security
What is included in GDP
C- Personal Consumption
Expenditures (65% Americans spend on)
Ig- Gross (Total) Private Domestic
Investment (17%)
- Factory Equipment Maintenance
- New Factory Equipment
- Construction of Housing
- Unsold Inventory or Products built in a Year
G- Government Spending (20% of
American economy)
Xn- Net Exports (2%)
Gross National Product (GNP): Total market value of all
final goods & services by citizens of that country on its land or foreign
Two Ways to Calculate GDP
1. Expenditure Approach
- Add up all of the spending on final
goods & services produced in a given year formula:
GDP= C+Ig+G+Xn
“expenditure”- to spend
2. Income Approach
- It adds up all the income that resulted
from selling all final goods & services produced in a given year formula:
W +R +I+ P+ statistical adjustments
W- wages
R- rents
P- profits
Statistical Adjustments
1. Indirect Business Taxes
2. Depreciation AKA Consumption of
Fixed Capital
3. Net Foreign Factor Payment
Compensation of Employees: Wages & salaries, could also include
pensions, insurance, health & welfare
Rents: Income received by property owners
-Money paid by private businesses
to the suppliers of loans
Corporate Profits
-It is the income of the
corporation’s stockholders Ex. Dividends & corporate income taxes
Proprietor’s Income
-income that comes from
entrepreneurships & partners in a business
-Budget Surplus/Deficit = Gov.
Purchases of Goods & Services + Gov. Transfer Payments – Gov. Tax &
Free Collection
-Trade Surplus/Deficit = Exports –
National Income =
1. Compensation of Employees + Rents +
Interests + Corporate Profits + Proprietor’s Income
2. GDP – Income Business Taxes – Depreciation
– Net Foreign Factor Payment
Disposable Personal Income = National
Income – Personal Household Taxes + Gov. Transfer Payments
-Net Domestic Product (NDP)= GDP –
Net National Product (NNP)= GDP +
Net Foreign Factor Payment
o (price × quantity)
o The value of output produced
in current year prices
o Used to measure an increase
in prices
o Can increase from year to
year if either price or quantity increases
o (base yr. price × current yr.
o The value of output produced
in constant base year prices
o ADJUSTED for inflation
o Used to measure economic
o Can increase from year to
year only if output increases
GDP Deflator:
- It is a price index used to
adjust from nominal to real GDP
Nominal GDP ×100 Nominal
Interest Rate ×100
Real GDP
Real Interest Rate
- In base year, GDP Deflator ALWAYS
equals 100
- For years after the base year,
GDP deflator is greater than 100
- For years before the base year,
GDP deflator is less than 100
Consumer Price Index (CPI):
- Most commonly used measurement of
- It measures the cost of a market
basket of goods of a typical urban American family
(cost of a market basket of goods
& services in a given year) ×100
(cost of a market basket of goods
in a base year)
Inflation Rate:
New Price Index – Old Price Index/Old
Price Index
Nominal Interest Rate:
The percentage increase in money, the borrower must pay a lender for a
- It is NOT adjusted for inflation
Real Interest Rate (RIR):
- The percentage increase in
purchasing power, the borrower must pay the lend for a loan
- It IS adjusted for inflation
RIR= Nominal Interest Rate – Inflation
Nominal Interest Rate= Expected
Interest Rate + Inflation Premium
Hurt by Inflation
§ Savers
§ Lenders/Creditors
§ People who are on a Fixed Income Ex.
Elderly, welfare
Helped by Inflation
People who Owe Money Ex. Debtors
Cost of living adjustments
It is where you get an automatic wage increase when inflation occurs
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Business Cycles
Peak- is the highest point of the real GDP; greatest amount of spending and lowest amount of unemployment. In this phase inflation becomes a problem
Expansion- real GDP is increasing due to an inflation of spending and a decrease in unemployment
Contraction- real GDP declines for 6 months due to a reduction in spending and increase in unemployment
Trough- is lowest point of real GDP; least amount of spending & highest unemployment
Equilibrium- is the point at which the supply curve and the demand curve intersect. At this point, all resources are being efficiently used.
Excess demand- occurs when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied. This will result in shortages, where consumers cannot get the quantities of items that they desire.
Excess Supply-when the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded, creates surplus
Price ceiling- creates a shortage and occurs when the government puts a legal limit on how high the price of a product can be.
Excess supply- occurs when the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded. This will result in a surplus, where producers have inventories they cannot get rid of.
Price floor- is the lowest legal price a commodity can be sold at. This creates a surplus and is used by the government to prevent prices from being too low.
Excess demand- occurs when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied. This will result in shortages, where consumers cannot get the quantities of items that they desire.
Excess Supply-when the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded, creates surplus
Price ceiling- creates a shortage and occurs when the government puts a legal limit on how high the price of a product can be.
Excess supply- occurs when the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded. This will result in a surplus, where producers have inventories they cannot get rid of.
Price floor- is the lowest legal price a commodity can be sold at. This creates a surplus and is used by the government to prevent prices from being too low.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Supply and Demand
Cause of Change in Supply
- change in technology
- change in weather
- change in cost of production
- change in number of sellers
- change in taxes or subsidies
- change in expectations
Cause of Change in Demand
- change in buyer’s taste (advertisement)
- change in number of buyers (population)
- change in income (normal goods/inferior goods)
- change in price of related goods (complementary/supplementary)
Supply:is the quantities that producers or sellers are willing and able to produce at various places.
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Law of Supply:There is a direct relationship between product and quantity supplied.
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Demand is the quantities that people are willing and able to buy at various prices.
Law of Demand There is an inverse relationship between price and quality demanded
Normal Goods-increases income; causes an increase in demand
Inferior Goods-Increase in income; causes a fall in demand
Complementary Goods-ex: fish and chips
Supplementary Goods-ex: white bread replaced by wheat bread
Supply and Demand: Gallon of Milk (VIDEO LINK) | |
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